In the 1990s and 2000s, several countries underwent important and significant changes in their universities. Likewise, in Brazil, due to the implementation of several government programs, there was an expansion of higher education and made possible a greater access to graduation. At the beginning of 2020, the world was threatened by COVID-19, several restrictive measures were implemented by government and private entities to contain the spread of the disease. In this way, Brazilian educational institutions were forced to temporarily suspend their in-person activities in order to promote social distancing. They soon found themselves in the challenge of implementing teaching methodological changes to continue the activities, in an emergency and remote way, since the outbreak of the disease did not stop within months and there was no prediction of when it would occur. This study aims to evaluate the performance of students at the Federal University of São João del-Rei at the Sete Lagoas campus in the discipline of Organic Chemistry, in the Food Engineering, Agronomic Engineering, Forestry Engineering and Interdisciplinary Biosystems courses in the two semesters of 2018 with 223 students and during the two semesters of the first year of emergency remote teaching (2020) with 337 students, drawing a parallel between them in order to raise the impacts of remote teaching for the discipline of Organic Chemistry.
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