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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2013-07-25

Initial Development of Four Forest Species in Different Shading Conditions

seedling growth physiology climatic conditions


Abstract: Evaluated the initial development through destructive and non-destructive sampling, forest species Adenanthera pavonina, Cassia fistula, Parkia pendula and Hymenolobium petraeum, propagated by seeds at different levels of shading screens black poliefinas (0, 50 and 65% ), in the region of Sinop, MT. There were no significant interactions between time and level of shading to any variable. Changes in fresh and dry weight at all levels of shading occurred from 30 DAT. The highest rates of growth were observed in 50% shading to A. pavonina, P. pendula and H. petraeum and 65% shading for C. fistula.

Keywords: seedling, growth, physiology, climatic conditions.


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Como Citar

Silva, C. C., Demartini, W. F. B., & Silva, A. C. (2013). Initial Development of Four Forest Species in Different Shading Conditions. Scientific Electronic Archives, 3, 6–11.