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Ciências da Saúde
Publicado: 2018-04-04

Factors associated with lack of papanicolau according to the perception of women seen at ubs Dr. Carlos Scholtão, Sinop / MT

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Public Health Women's health Preventive examination of Cervical Cancer.


Cancer of the cervix uteri or cervical cancer is a disease with a slow progression, with pre-invasive stages, but with important progressive intra-epithelial transformation. Persistent infection caused by one or more oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause and necessary for the development of cervical neoplasia, but not enough for the development of cancer. It is a cancer that has a high rate of incidence and mortality, but is capable of early detection and cure depending on the stage that is detected and the living conditions and health of the woman. The early changes of cells are easily discovered in the screening test, a painless, simple, efficient examination, low cost and incremental attainment contributes to reduce mortality from this type of cancer in the population at risk. This study sought to understand the views of women regarding gynecological examination and thus know the reasons that influence not the preventive test of cervical cancer. It is important to know these factors to define the most appropriate strategies to actual needs of the female population. This is a survey of basic nature, exploratory / descriptive with quantitative and qualitative approach was performed through a field study by direct observation and interviews. Participants to be included in this research are women of reproductive age who have already started sexual activity residing in the catchment area of Basic Health Unit Dr. Carlos Scholtão. The selection of participants will occur through the Inquiry Notebook Control Achievement Exam Pap smear, used by the team to register, schedule and record the total number of tests performed by both teams I and II corresponding to neighborhoods and Imperial Palm Garden. Through the survey Notebook Control Realization of Pap smears, we obtained a total of 95 women, who are the preventive examination in arrears, ie, do not perform the exam on average for more than two years. In this population of women will be part of the survey a sample of 15 women, representing 15% of the population. The reasons mentioned by the women, for non-adherence to preventive examination were embarrassment and shame of exposing the body, especially the intimate, ashamed parties when the professional doing is male, discomfort regarding gynecological position and the painful discomfort caused by the procedure. Another sentiment expressed was fear, fear of the exam procedure and how fear about a possible cancer diagnosis. So while health professional should seek to understand why women do not seek health services for the realization of preventive, providing information about this exam, ensure access, coverage, quality of care and make the programs reach everyone.



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Como Citar

SmieskiL, A. F., Dullius, J. L., & Venazzi, C. B. (2018). Factors associated with lack of papanicolau according to the perception of women seen at ubs Dr. Carlos Scholtão, Sinop / MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(2), 119–132.