The stink bug Euschistus heros attacks several crops of grains and fiber the state of Mato Grosso, which may cause severe damage to the productivity and quality of the seeds/plume. The repeated use of molecules with the same mode of action to control this insect favors selecting individual resistant individuals to insecticides. Aiming to evaluate the susceptibility of E. heros to the insecticides molecules thiamethoxan, imidacloprid, betacyfluthrin and lambdacyhalothrin populations from Sinop, Nova Mutum and Rondonopolis were collected. Susceptibility curve in a laboratory susceptible population was determined in order to establish diagnostic doses (CL95) to monitor the susceptibility of populations of E. heros to the insecticides molecules. Regarding the toxicity of the assayed molecules, thiamethoxam was the most toxic to E. heros, while the betacyfluthrin had the lowest toxicity (68 fold lower than thiametoxam). As result of the bioassays, we concluded that all populations tested behaved as susceptible to the tested molecules.
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