The amphetamines use: the truck drivers of vision


  • S. R. O. Maier UFMT
  • M. L. Berti
  • M. Mattos
  • T. S. Santos
  • B. S. Santos
  • W. S. Oliveira



Knowledge, Amphetamines, Existentialism


To know the vision of the truck drivers on the use of amphetamines during the working day. This is a descriptive, exploratory study of a qualitative nature. Data collection was performed with six truck drivers, based on a semi-structured road map, which were then in traffic on the BR 163 highway, in the urban perimeter north of Mato Grosso. To analyze the data, we used the Bardin Content Analysis, emerging two analytical categories that evidenced the studied phenomenon. The study followed the precepts of resolution nº466 / 2012, with the ethical opinion nº154, favorable to the beginning of the research. Truck drivers have shown that they know about the harm caused by the use of amphetamines; however, knowing about this drug does not prevent them from continuing to use, due to the need to meet deadlines and guarantee the family's livelihood. It was noticed that the use of amphetamines during the working day became recurrent in the discourse of the interviewees, however, this one transfer the use always to another. It is suggested that health policies be expanded to assist truck drivers in order to promote health promotion and prevention, as well as the risks inherent in the indiscriminate use of amphetamines.


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Como Citar

Maier, S. R. O., Berti, M. L., Mattos, M., Santos, T. S., Santos, B. S., & Oliveira, W. S. (2018). The amphetamines use: the truck drivers of vision. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(4), 78–83.



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