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Agricultural Science
Published: 2022-12-13

Overview of certified organic production in the State of Paraná

Universidade Federal do Paraná


Organic and agroecological agriculture is increasingly gaining ground in the agricultural sector and in the economy of Brazil and the world. The number of organic producers registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - MAPA tripled in just 7 years and reached more than 17,700 certified producers in 2018. Paraná proved to be the state with the highest number of organic production certifications during the year 2021. Official information on the organic sector is dispersed among the research bodies, National Registry of Organic Producers - CNPO and MAPA, and to become more consistent and contribute to the sector, they need to be grouped, especially at the level state. This article sought to compile official information regarding Paraná through a systematic analysis of the National Register of Organic Producers. Unlike what the 2017 Agricultural Census showed that animal production was present in at least 42% of Brazilian establishments that use organic agriculture, this research found that only 5% of organic certifications in Paraná have production or processing activities. animal products. We found 3813 certifications and 3457 producers heterogeneously distributed in 192 municipalities. The concentration of organic producers is more intensely located in the municipalities close to the capital of Paraná, especially in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, which holds 37.37% of active certificates in September 2021. Among the production scopes present in Paraná, vegetable products In natura they gather more than 80% of the certificates. Participatory Organic Conformity Assessment Bodies represented more than 58% of active certificates. Among the main products are the production of roots and tubers (75.77%), Brassicas (69.03%), Aromatic and medicinal herbs (68.74%), Hardwoods (68.14%), and Fruits (67, 69%). Among the main In natura animal products found are: The production of honey and wax (35.81%), the production of cow's milk (35.11%), and the production of eggs (22.30%). Among the processed or processed products, the following stand out: Chopped/Peeled Vegetables (42.40%), Fresh Packaged Products 40.53%), and Sauces (30.58%). In natura animal and vegetable products represent 76% of certifications, while the processing and processing of organic products represents 14%.


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How to Cite

Languinotti dos Santos Viana, S. T. (2022). Overview of certified organic production in the State of Paraná. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(1).