Deferred effect on the morphological and physiological characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés


  • D. A. Prado UFMT
  • W. J. R. Castro UFMT
  • G. H. B. Lemes UFMT
  • R. M. S. Santos UFMT
  • D. H. S. Almeida UFMT
  • D. Baron UFMT



accumulation, grasses, tiller


The objective of the study was to evaluate periods of sealing in Brachiaria brizantha cv. pastures. Xaraés and its implications on morphological, structural, Bromatological and production of pastures. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, with four periods of deferment (30, 60, 90 and 120 days), each with three replications, totaling 12 experimental units. The number of live leaves (NFV), presented quadratic behavior (P<0.05), with a maximum point of 5.57 fresh leaves in 69.16 days. The elongation rate (TALF) and leaf appearance (LAR) presented linear effect (P>0.05) with the increase of the deferral period. The height of the sward obtained increasing linear result (P<0.05), while the variable weight tiller, vegetative tillers and deaths did not differ (P>0.05). The total dry matter adjusted to the increasing linear model (P<0.05), producing about 5 t/ha in 120 days. There was a quadratic effect (P<0.05) for the PB. There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) for the NDF. The 60-day period of deferral is the most recommended for Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés.


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Como Citar

Prado, D. A., Castro, W. J. R., Lemes, G. H. B., Santos, R. M. S., Almeida, D. H. S., & Baron, D. (2016). Deferred effect on the morphological and physiological characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(3), 1–5.



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