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Ciências Exatas e Engenharias
Publicado: 2017-12-05

Techno-economic analysis in a superstructure of a multiple floors building (three, five, seven and nine floors) in reinforced concrete and ribbed slabs with rectangular form and different compressive strength values

Structural conception ‘waffle’ cube design input.


Adapting “fck" values between 25 MPa to 40 MPa, in three, five, seven and nine floor buildings for places under winds of up to 30 m/s, this research calculated the cost and inputs of these variations. The results have as a goal to improve multiple floors building design in reinforced concrete and ribbed slabs, and to contribute to economic gains. The results were analysed in five stages. (I) Architectural design definition in a 1:1 proportion, (II) structural conception, (III) structural design, (IV) cost composition and (V) techno economic parameters. To sum up, the results showed that lower “fck†has presented more viability to few flooring. In addition, with the increase of floors also the “fck†raised, causing higher cost around 16,54% in the beams and 11,16% in the slabs. Moreover, the pillars showed a saving of 28,89% in the cost, ranging by up to 11,93% in the average thickness and 6,29% in the concrete form expenditure per m³. Therefore, the research showed an economic achievement of 5,14% in the overall cost between the number of floor.


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Como Citar

Moraes, E. F. S., Moraes, S. F. S., & Hillesheim, M. J. (2017). Techno-economic analysis in a superstructure of a multiple floors building (three, five, seven and nine floors) in reinforced concrete and ribbed slabs with rectangular form and different compressive strength values. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(6), 122–130.