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Ciências Biológicas
Publicado: 2019-08-04

Occurrence of species of Mandevilla Lindl. (Apocynaceae Juss.: Apocynoideae) in Lavras (MG), Brazil: ecological and taxonomical implications

Universidade Federal de Lavras
Apocynaceae. Floristic survey. Taxonomy. Specific distribution


Mandevilla Lindl. (Apocynaceae) presents approximately 150 species, which guarantees the largest specific contingent in Apocynoideae, and these taxa occur in regions that extend from Mexico to Argentina, in the most varied habitats. Due to its vast occurrence in the region and the high ornamental value of numerous species, the present work aimed to catalog the native species of Mandevilla occurring in the city of Lavras. A description of the species found was also performed, a comparison was made with the occurrence reported in other surveys. The data were obtained by consulting the collection of herbaria that presented collections for the municipality. Six species were identified: Mandevilla illustris (Vell.) Woodson, M. hirsuta (Rich.) K.Schum., M. longiflora (Desf.) Pichon, M. pohliana (Stadelm.) A.H.Gentry, M. tenuifolia (J.C.Mikan) Woodson, M. velame (A.St.-Hil.) Pichon. The occurrence of species of Mandevilla was considered to be high when compared to the other surveys consulted, and this fact was favored by the pedological and vegetative conformation of the area, which are highly favorable for the establishment and development of the representatives of this genus.


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Como Citar

Vital, F. A. Z. (2019). Occurrence of species of Mandevilla Lindl. (Apocynaceae Juss.: Apocynoideae) in Lavras (MG), Brazil: ecological and taxonomical implications. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(4), 75–80.