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Ciências da Saúde
Publicado: 2012-11-20

Life Quality of Patients in Hemodialysis Therapy in Sinop City MT

Hemodialysis life activities nursing


ABSTRACT: The Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is characterized by irreversible loss of renal function. The treatment for these patients is the realization of dialysis therapy, which significantly affects the life quality. The present study aimed to identify the effect caused by hemodialysis in life activities of patients treated. It opted for the interviews as a methodological reference, the universe investigated corresponded to 56 patients. Results showed that the underlying diagnosis was the most frequent Hypertension in 44.65% of cases, those who reported constant vertigo was 76.78%, 87.50% patients did not perform because of the occupational therapy and 96.42% voice changes in diet and fluid intake. Complications from treatment affect the functional abilities, imposing limitations on daily activities which disrupt the individuals life. Therefore, it is extremely important that the nursing staff is able to intervene before these events, providing treatment for patients in the proper orientation, as well as an emotional preparation, so that the same is skilled to live with restriction imposed in the face of CRF.

Keywords: Hemodialysis, life activities, nursing.


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Como Citar

Silva, J., Botelho, M., & Cavalcante, K. C. (2012). Life Quality of Patients in Hemodialysis Therapy in Sinop City MT. Scientific Electronic Archives, 1(1), 36–41.