Influence of post-establishment period of clonal minigarden on rooting of cuttings of eucalyptus


  • V.A.H.F. dos Santos
  • M.N. Garcia
  • W.F.B. Demartini
  • W. Rosalino
  • F. D. C. Mangabeira
  • J. P. dos Santos



minicutting, nursery, eucalyptus


The  study  aimed  to  evaluate  the  effect  of  age  post-implantation  of   matrices  ministumps  in clonal minigarden on rooting of minicuttings of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus camaldulensis).  The  study  was  conducted  in  an  acclimatized  greenhouse,  designed  in randomized blocks with two treatments, being two months and one year of age of ministumps in clonal minigarden, and six replications consisting, each one, by eleven cuttings. The cuttings have remained inside the greenhouse for 24 days and 6 days in full sun. The evaluations were performed every three days, from the date of the cutting until the 30th day. In this period, on each  evaluation date were quantified  the percentage of:  modified cuttings, rooted cuttings, cuttings with roots larger than 10 cm in length. The seedlings collected from matrices with one year of establishment showed maximum rooting of 92% at 27 days, and higher than those with only  2  months  of  deployment  with  values  of  41%  at  24  days  after  the  cutting.  The  cuttings provided with ministumps with more time of establishment and possibly greater physiological vigor showed better results in all parameters demonstrating higher rhizogenesis capacity.


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Como Citar

dos Santos, V., Garcia, M., Demartini, W., Rosalino, W., Mangabeira, F. D. C., & dos Santos, J. P. (2014). Influence of post-establishment period of clonal minigarden on rooting of cuttings of eucalyptus. Scientific Electronic Archives, 5, 68–71.



Ciências Agrárias