Averrhoa star fruit, popularly known as star fruit, native to Indonesia and Malaysia, belongs to the family Oxilacedaceae, is an ornamental and fruitful grove that gives rise to star fruit. The study of fruit and seed biometrics provides information for the conservation of the species with effective and sustainable use. In this sense the present study aims to study the fruit biometrics and Brixº content of A. carambola analyzing different populations. The analyzes were performed at the Cytogenetics and Plant Tissue Culture laboratory of the University of Mato Grosso State (UNEMAT), Alta Floresta campus. For biometric analysis, 30 fruits were collected from each population. Total length (mm), total width (mm), basal and apical measurements (mm), fresh mass (gr) and sugar content (%) were evaluated. Biometric data were evaluated by statistical analysis by Tukey test 5% probability, determined by the R program, version 3.3.2 with the aid of the ExpDEs version 1.1 package. Based on this study it can be concluded that the study of biometrics for the species A. carambola L is of great importance, because for this study the presented values of the estimated dimensions were high values for all measurements found except for the population three that presented low sugar content, being considered acid fruits. This factor may be related to soil characteristics, so further studies are recommended.
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