Rio ParnaÃba is a small city, comprises around 12,000 habitants and has numerous health problems. Among the problems the dengue mosquito (Aedes aegypti) and blowflies (Calliphoridae) are insects that can carry diseases to the population. Given the presence of these insects, this study aims to use traps to catch them in the outer areas of the house, trying to characterize their focus. Traps with empty bottle of soda attractive to insects were distributed in backyards across the city. The insects were collected weekly and identified. This study was important to reduce these insects in the urban environment. The highest density of larvae of A. aegypti in São Cristóvão neighborhood. Thus, the board of health of Rio ParnaÃba should intensify visits this neighborhood, especially during rainy seasons. It was not possible to study the spatial distribution of flies of the family Calliphoridae, because the densities occurring in 2011-2012 were very low.
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