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Ciências da Saúde
Publicado: 2020-05-29

Health promotion strategies for adolescents: sexually transmitted infections and dynamic learning tools - an experience report

Unieuro University Center

S. F. Costa

Nursing Student
Unieuro University Center

G. A. Ferreira

Nursing Student
Unieuro University Center

M. R. S. Silva

Pharmacy Student
Unieuro University Center

G. B. Souza

Nursing Student
Unieuro University Center

D. A. Pinheiro

Nursing Student
Unieuro University Center

M. G. L. Araújo

Nursing Student
Unieuro University Center

E. G. M. Rocha

Pharmacy Student
Unieuro University Center

M. E. S. A. Temperino

Graduate Student in Dentistry
Unieuro University Center

E. M. Oliveira

Undergraduate student in Physiotherapy
Unieuro University Center

N. L. Pontes

Graduate Student in Nursing
Unieuro University Center

C. B. Toledo

Nursing Student
Unieuro University Center

J. A. S. Oliveira

Graduate Student in Dentistry

T. R. S. Oliveira

Doutorado em Biologia. Professora do Departamento de Saúde UNIEURO
Adolescent behavior Adolescent health Sex education School health promotion Learning


Sexually transmitted infections (STI) in adolescents have increased even with access to information. The promotion of adolescents' health depends on the articulated action of the social sectors, with the educational sector fundamental to achieving a positive result. Brazilian studies have shown that STI are among the main diseases related to public health. Thus, there is a need for actions to promote and prevent these diseases among adolescents. Alternative tools such as playful and technological games have influenced teenagers between 12 and 17 years old. The aim of this study was to report the use of strategies aimed at adolescents performed in learning dynamics at a public school in the Federal District. The conceptual strategy was based on Charles Maguerez's Arc Model, which focuses on active methodologies. At the end of the activities, there was a perception of a positive result in the teaching-learning process. It was also possible to identify different behavior patterns, such as indiscipline, lack of interest and conflict between social relationships. The experience of the extension workers allowed a favorable exchange of experiences among the adolescents, as it demonstrated that the recreational means resulted in a greater interest in the prevention of STI.


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Como Citar

Costa, S. F., Ferreira, G. A., Silva, M. R. S., Souza, G. B., Pinheiro, D. A., Araújo, M. G. L., … Oliveira, T. R. S. (2020). Health promotion strategies for adolescents: sexually transmitted infections and dynamic learning tools - an experience report. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(6), 83–87.