The meliponines can be found in tropical and subtropical regions and is observed in the majority of Latin America. Scaptotrigona bipunctata are stingless bees that build colonies that possess between 2,000 and 50,000 individuals. This study aimed to estimate the toxicity of the insecticide acephate after oral and contact contamination in S. bipunctata. Results revealed differences between the two types of contamination and indicated that S. bipunctata is tolerant to acephate since the mortality rate was low. The findings indicated that there were expression changes of isoenzyme esterases after contamination with the insecticide, which was able to partially inhibit almost all of the enzymes identified in this study. In addition, morphological changes were identified in the midgut of the bees in the first 24 hours of contamination. However, after 48 hours it was observed the regeneration of the peritrophic membrane and other structures, contributing to the survival of the insects. It is essential to propose measures to minimize the impact of agrochemicals on pollinators and this study provides support for investigations on pesticide toxicity in stingless bees.
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