Brazilian law ensures that citizens have adequate access to drinking water. Three important indicators of the operational quality of the water supply service are the incidence of samples of drinking water outside the standard of potability for the parameters of residual chlorine, turbidity, and total coliforms, whose values vary from 0% to 100%. This work aimed to analyze the values of the incidence of samples outside the Brazilian potability standard of these three parameters in 70 municipalities in the south of the State of Bahia between 2002 and 2018 and to represent these results spatially. The studied municipalities presented historical averages of incidence of non-conformity that varied between 0.01% and 52.50% for residual chlorine, 0.16% and 100% for turbidity, and 0.00% and 58.33% for total coliforms. Despite the wide variation in these values, the general incidence averages for the entire region were 1.82% for residual chlorine, 3.22% for turbidity, and 1.93% for total coliforms. Some municipalities need to adjust their treatments to decrease the percentage of non-standard samples for the studied parameters in order to supply the population with water that meets the national drinking standard.
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