Neglected diseases are characterized as a group of diseases that contribute to the maintenance of inequality. This study aimed to characterize the epidemiological profile of neglected diseases in the state of PiauÃ. This was an ecological, exploratory, retrospective, descriptive and quantitative study with data obtained from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases of the Piauà State Department of Health of neglected diseases in the state: Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Leishmaniasis American cutaneous, Chagas disease and Geohelminthiases. The selection of data took place between 2012 and 2016, except for Geohelminthiases, which followed the Ministry of Health campaign that took place between 2014 and 2016. The organization and data analysis took place using the software Tabwin 4.1.4 and Microsoft Excel. 5251 leprosy cases with a predominance of multibacillary cases (60.22%) were reported. Regarding Tuberculosis, there were 3369 cases with a predominance between 20 and 49 years old (50.73%). Regarding Leishmaniasis, 1052 cases were reported with a predominance of Visceral Leishmaniasis (84.3%) while Chagas' disease, 90 cases were reported. Regarding Geohelminthiasis, 1029 schools and 155,082 students joined the campaign, 77.69% of whom were treated with albendazole. In PiauÃ, case records of neglected diseases are high, with the need to intensify control actions, which can contribute to an efficient performance of surveillance of these diseases and improvement of the population's quality of life.
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