Urban afforestation survey in the Labienópolis neighborhood, Garça, São Paulo, Brazil
urban centers, exotic species, Licania tomentosa, Pachira aquatica.Resumo
Urban afforestation began around the 15th century in Europe, with “gardened walkways” installation. Over the years, as landscaping techniques have been disseminated and improved, life quality in urban centers has improved. The present study was carried out in the Labienópolis neighborhood in the city of Garça - SP at coordinates 22º 12' South and 49º 35' West., elevation 670m. A total of 1,140 plants were sampled involving trees, shrubs, herbs, palms and lianas belonging to 34 botanical families, 64 species between native and exotic. The species with highest number of planted specimens was Moquilea tomentosa (164 plants); Murraya paniculata (140); Pachyra aquatica (132); Lagerstroemia indica (115). On the one hand, the survey allows us to infer that most of species used in the city are exotic, which can compromise the avifauna, as well as the biodiversity of existing native species. On the other hand, there is a clear need for a qualitative study aimed at the planning and management of trees in urban areas.
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