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Publicado: 2023-04-30

In situ works on ecotoxicology in amphibians: current state of the art

Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Universidade Federa da Fronteira Sul
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Anura, tadpoles, pesticides, field condition


Amphibians play a fundamental role in the functioning of ecosystems, mainly in the nutrient cycle, energy flow, and pest control. This group has a massive population decline, with approximately 41% of all species at risk, highlighting pesticide pollution as one of the main threats to the loss of anuran biodiversity. This occurs since amphibians have an epidermis with high permeability and a biphasic life cycle, where they use both the aquatic and terrestrial environments, allowing exposure and making them susceptible to chemical agents released into the environment. This makes amphibians a model group in ecotoxicological studies. However, due to the greater control of experimental conditions, the vast majority of studies are carried out in the laboratory, thus maintaining a gap in knowledge about the effects of pesticides on amphibians in natural environments. Under natural conditions, where environmental variables are not controlled, experiments must relate all the dynamics of the interaction of substances existing in the environment, and their influences on organisms. To evaluate the studies already performed under natural conditions, a bibliographic survey was carried out through a search with the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases, considering articles published in the last twenty years, using the terms 'field experimentation' or 'in situ study', associated with 'tadpole' and 'agrochemical' or 'pesticide', using a descriptive methodology. Twenty-one abstracts were pre-selected, they were further evaluated and the methodologies were checked to ensure only the analysis of experiments conducted in the field conditions. Thus, ten works were selected for the construction of the review. The works selected used native amphibian species, considered generalists, present in the study region, and were carried out in environments intended for agricultural cultivation with control groups in preserved locations. In these works, different methodologies were used, such as intentional spraying of water bodies, quantification of pesticides in the study sites, and verification of changes caused by the environment on tadpoles. The main evaluations were based on the survival and morphological changes of the tadpoles and, in some cases, on cytological and biochemical assays.


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  11. CHEN, C.Y., HATHAWAY, K.M., FOLT, C.L. Multiple stress effects of vision herbicide, pH, and food on zooplankton and larval amphibian species from forest wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23, 823-831, 2004.
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  15. EDGE, C.B., THOMPSON, D.G., HAO, C., HOULAHAN, J.E. A silviculture application of the glyphosate-based herbicide VisionMAX to wetlands has limited direct effects on amphibian larvae. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31, 2375-2383, 2012.
  16. EDGE, C., THOMPSON, D., HAO C., HOULAHAN J. The response of amphibian larvae to exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup WeatherMax) and nutrient enrichment in an ecosystem experiment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 109, 124-132, 2014.
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  20. GONÇALVES, M.W., VIEIRA, T.B., MACIEL, N.M., CARVALHO, W.F., LIMA, L.S.F., GAMBALE, P.G., CRUZ, A.D., NOMURA, F., BASTOS, R.P., SILVA, D.M. Detecting genomic damages in the frog Dendropsophus minutus: preserved versus perturbed areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 3947-3954, 2015.
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  34. MACAGNAN, N., RUTKOSKI, C.F., KOLCENTI, C., VANZETTO, G.V., MACAGNAN, L.P., STURZA, P.F., HARTMANN, P.A., HARTMANN, M.T. Toxicity of cypermethrin and deltamethrin insecticides on embryos and larvae of Physalaemus gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 20699-20704, 2017.
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  41. PAVAN, F.A., SAMOJEDEN, C.G., RUTKOSKI, C.F., FOLADOR, A., DA FRÉ, S.P., MÜLLER, C., HARTMANN, P.A., HARTMANN, M.T. Morphological, behavioral and genotoxic effects of glyphosate and 2,4-D mixture in tadpoles of two native species of South American amphibians. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 85, 103637, 2021. https://doi:10.1016/j.etap.2021.103637
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  48. RUTKOSKI, C.F., MACAGNAN, N., KOLCENTI, C., VANZETTO, G.V., STURZA, P.F., HARTMANN, P.A., HARTMANN, M.T. Lethal and sublethal effects of the herbicide atrazine in the early stages of development of Physalaemus gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74, 587-593, 2018.
  49. RUTKOSKI, C.F., MACAGNAN, N., FOLADOR, A., SKOVRONSKI, V.J., AMARAL, A.M.B., LEITEMPERGER, J., DORNELLES, M., HARTMANN, P.A., MÜLLER, C., LORO, V. L., HARTMANN, M.T. Cypermethrin- and fipronil-based insecticides cause biochemical changes in Physalaemus gracilis tadpoles. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 4377-4387, 2021.
  50. RUTKOSKI, C. F., MACAGNAN, N., FOLADOR, A., SKOVRONSKI, V. J., AMARAL, A. M. B., LEITEMPERGER, J., DORNELLES, M., HARTMANN, P. A., MÜLLER, C., LORO, V. L., HARTMANN, M. Morphological and biochemical traits and mortality in Physalaemus gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae) tadpoles exposed to the insecticide chlorpyrifos. Chemosphere 250, 126162, 2020.
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  52. SILVA, H.S.V.P., LOIOLA, C., PEREIRA, S.R.F., SANTOS, R.L., ANDRADE, G.V., NUNES, G.S. Toxicidade aguda e genotoxicidade do agrotóxico comercial Folisuper 600br a girinos de Physalaemus cuvieri (Anura: Leiuperidae). Pesticidas: Revista de Ecotoxicologia e Meio Ambiente 23, 1-10, 2013.
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  54. SPARLING, D.W., BICKMAN, J., COWMAN, D., FELLERS, G.M., LACHER, T., MATSON, C.W., MCCONNELL, L. In situ effects of pesticides on amphibians in the Sierra Nevada. Ecotoxicology 24, 262-278, 2014.
  55. SZÉKELY, D., DENOËL, M., SZÉKELY, P., COGĂLNICEANU, D. Pond drying cues and their effects on growth and metamorphosis in a fast developing amphibian. Journal of Zoology 303, 129-135, 2017.
  56. THOMPSON, D.G., WOJTASZEK, B.F., STAZNIK, B., CHARTRAND, D.T., STEPHENSON, G.R. Chemical and biomonitoring to assess potential acute effects of vision® herbicide on native amphibian larvae in forest wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23, 843-849, 2004.
  57. VANZETTO, G.V., SLAVIERO, J., STURZA, P.F., RUTKOSKI, C.F., MACAGNAN, N., KOLCENTI, C., HARTMANN, P.A., FERREIRA, C.M., HARTMANN, M.T. Toxic effects of pyrethroids in tadpoles of Physalaemus gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Ecotoxicology 28, 1105-1114, 2019.
  58. VENTURINO, A., ROSENBAUM, E., CASTRO, A.C., ANGUIANO, O.L., GAUNA, L., SCHROEDER, T.F., D'ANGELO, A.M.P. 2003 Biomarkers of effect in toads and frogs. Biomarkers 8, 167-186, 2003.
  59. WOJTASZEK B.F., STAZNIK, B., CHARTRAND, D.T., STEPHENSON, G.R., THOMPSON, D.G. Effects of Vision herbicide on mortality, avoidance response, and growth of amphibian larvae in two forest wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23, 832-842, 2004.
  60. WRUBLESWSKI J., REICHERT JR, F.W., GALON, L., HARTMANN, P.A., HARTMANN, M.T. Acute and chronic toxicity of pesticides on tadpoles of Physalaemus cuvieri (Anura, Leptodactylidae). Ecotoxicology 27, 360-368, 2018.

Como Citar

Marion, G. A. N. ., Müller, C., Hartmann, P. A., & Hartmann, M. T. . (2023). In situ works on ecotoxicology in amphibians: current state of the art. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(5).