Durability of thermally modified Eucalyptus wood against marine borer attack


  • Tarcila Rosa da Silva Lins Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Thiago Cardoso Silva Universidade Federal de Rondônia
  • Laura Caroline Traiano Rieth Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Pedro Henrique Gonzalez de Cademartori Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ricardo Jorge Klitzke Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Márcio Pereira da Rocha Universidade Federal do Paraná




marine xylophages, wood biodeterioration, wood preservation, thermo-treated wood


Wood is a prevalent material in marine construction, both for fixed and mobile structures. However, the impact of xylophagous organisms diminishes its longevity by compromising its physical and mechanical properties. This study aimed to assess the influence of genetic variation and thermal treatment on the durability of Eucalyptus spp. wood against marine borers. Thermal modification was conducted in a kiln at 200 ºC for 14 hours, encompassing heating, exposure to peak temperature, and cooling stages. Two hybrids of E. grandis x E. urophylla, an E. grandis clone and an E. urophylla clone were tested. The experiment took place in the municipality of Pontal do Paraná (Paraná State, Brazil), using EN 275 (1992) guidelines with appropriate adaptations, during six months (summer and autumn). The extent of wood damage was visually evaluated, and damage intensity was categorized. All wood samples, irrespective of genetic material or thermal treatment, experienced attacks ranging from severe to complete infestation. Hence, the utilization of these species and hybrids in marine environments, whether in their natural state or after thermal modification, is not advisable given their insufficient resistance against marine borers.


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Como Citar

Lins, T. R. da S., Silva, T. C., Rieth, L. C. T., Cademartori, P. H. G. de, Klitzke, R. J., & Rocha, M. P. da. (2024). Durability of thermally modified Eucalyptus wood against marine borer attack. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(5). https://doi.org/10.36560/17520241965



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