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Publicado: 2015-04-08

Hormonetherapy in mare

Reproduction hormone horses


When compared with other domestic animals the equine species is that present the minors reproductive indices. Besides some parameters of estrous cycle are variable to we consider each mare individually, what hinders the reproductive handling, these females respond the alterations of seasonality, this fact limits in reproduction its potential. Therefore, the uses of innovative reproductive biotechnologies and hormonal protocols have shown indispensable for the producers who wish to increase the reproductive rate of this species. Hormontherapy has shown great efficiency in handling the estrous cycle of these females. Thus, this literature review aimed to perform an update regarding hormonal protocols used in the equine species. Dealt with the main hormones used to control the estrous cycle of mares, as prostaglandin F2a (PGF2α), estrogens, progestogens, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), equine pituitary extract (EPE), the purified equine follicle stimulating hormone (eFSH) and oxytocin. It became evident that the knowledge of hormontherapy applied in equine reproduction is of utmost importance, allowing higher profitability by improving the reproductive efficiency of animals of high genetic value, generating benefits for both the professional as to the owner.


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Como Citar

Marinho, A. L. M., Socoloski, S. N. G., Gomes, S. C., Santos, R., & Castro, B. G. (2015). Hormonetherapy in mare. Scientific Electronic Archives, 8(2), 86–91.