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Educação e Ensino
Publicado: 2016-09-22

Notes and reflections about the logic of education medicalization

Faculdade de Quatro Marcos - FQM/MT
Medicalization of education Teacher-student relationship Adult centrism Biopower Normality and abnormality.


This article consisted in a survey of theoretical nature, in order to discuss a phenomenon that is, increasingly, present in contemporary social dynamics, which is called the medicalization of children's behavior, specifically, the variety of behaviors classified and understood as deviant or "abnormal". We focused on the study of the medicalization expression in the educational context, especially, when it is a tool used by educators to assign value and significance to the called "learning problems" and "conduct problems". However, the culminating point of this process is a restatement of adult centrism logic, at school space, impacting, importantly, the teacher-student relationship. In this reality, jumps out the condition of subjection and discredit of power belonging to students, who are defined as "abnormal" or "sick", when they do not get to learn or do not behave "as they should". The importance of this discussion is put on the agenda a debate about the conditions of subjectivity, provided for children, in contemporary society. Therefore, this public is just not having space to express and contribute to building a culture, effectively, being defined by the inability and immaturity bias, thus must, "to obey" to the adults, who are the holders of all social tradition.


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Como Citar

Barbosa, C. H. M. (2016). Notes and reflections about the logic of education medicalization. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(4), 85–90.