The objective of this study was to evaluate alternative sources of water used by residents of a neighborhood located near Federal University of São João del Rei - campus Sete Lagoas (UFSJ-CSL) in the city of Sete Lagoas - MG, through physical and chemical analysis . Thus, it defined three points for sample collection. During the period July 2013 until March 2014, samples were subjected to determination of chloride, total hardness, potassium, sodium as well as turbidity and pH. The results were compared to the values required by Ordinance No. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health (MH) in order to know whether the analyzed waters meet the potability standards established. Most of the analyzed points are within the required by Ordinance No. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health, however even the values being within the permitted total hardness high in the sampled months, reduce the palatability of the water. Thus, given the physical and chemical parameters, the water from the mine water has characteristics that can be comparable to commercial mineral water, since water Lagoa Brejão was adequate for irrigation and animal feed, water distributed to the population It lies within the required values.
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