Bacteria have an ability to proliferate in diverse environments. This work aims to find bacterial groups that can inhabit kitchen sponge, a very suitable tool for their development. The methodology was applied from the microbiological analysis of thirty sponges, together with a questionnaire containing objective questions for respondents to information on how to handle the sponges. It was observed that there is inadequate cleaning of the sponges, which consequently leads to the development of pathogens which in cross contamination of food can bring disease because the bacteria Enterobacter sucrose have been identified, E. coli sucrose, Edwarsiella sp, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris , Salmonella, Citrobacter sp and Pseudomonas sp. From the results of the tests can be seen the need for improvement in hygiene of the sponge used in domestic kitchens and the exchange of the same with new ones more frequently
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