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Ciências da Saúde
Publicado: 2017-08-11

Quality of life at work: a study of workers in the metalworking industry in the Midwest of Santa Catarina

Federal University of Mato Grosso - Sinop
Quality of life woman metal-mechanic sector


This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life of workers in the metalworking industry in the middle west of Santa Catarina. Therefore, we opted for a qualitative approach to know the aspects that guide and characterize female employment in the labor market, and was carried out a survey to know the reality faced by this group. It is important to emphasize the importance of companies adopt different methods and practices to adapt the working environment and conditions provide rights similar to those of men. Thus, the article addressed the inclusion of women in the workplace, treating the historical context of the feminization of the labor market, the gender division and inequality between genders in this sector. Still, women's insertion in the mechanical metal sector in the middle West Santa Catarina region was analyzed, and the preservation of their rights and appreciation while working. Although women have gained greater participation within organizations, they face wage differences, behavioral and quality of life that need to be better studied.


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Como Citar

Lunardelli, G., Souza, E. F., & Nodari, T. M. S. N. (2017). Quality of life at work: a study of workers in the metalworking industry in the Midwest of Santa Catarina. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(4), 64–73.