The practical lessons are a powerful tool for the learning process improvement in science subjects, especially in chemistry field, as they provide a better association of practice and theory, problem solving and daily inquiries. This project aimed to enhance and encourage learning in science as well as collaborating with the formation of young students from public schools. Took part in this project around 70 youngsters from the first year of high school. Two questionnaires were applied to the students, one before starting the research and another at the end, through which we could observe an excellent development of the students regarding the scientific concepts and school performance. Throughout the year practical activities were developed, with content related to daily life, always making usage of alternative materials and a booklet, which was developed to assist this project. The lessons were developed in their classroom. It can be assured that the practical lessons were crucial to the science teaching, because they enabled a better learning theory. The results were very promising towards the development and interest of students and teachers.
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