Human malaria is a parasitic disease that affects about 500 million people in the world, causing nearly one million deaths each year. The main objective of this study was to reveal the epidemiological profile of malaria in municipality of Sinop based in fourteen years of analysis (2001 - 2015). The retrospective study was based on secondary data stored Malaria Epidemiological Surveillance System-Malaria (SIVEP-Malaria) of the Health Surveillance Office at the Ministry of Health, available online. Based on epidemiological analysis the results showed that the frequency of malaria decreased as from 2003 to 2012, where there was an expressive increase in malaria cases. Malaria was predominantly autochthonous in Sinop and P. vivax was predominant specie in all years under study. The study revealed areas with the highest incidence of malaria and the influence of factors related to maintenance and disease transmission. Based on epidemiological profile of malaria in Sinop, disease is not only a public health problem but political, environmental and socioeconomic. It is necessary maintain epidemiological surveillance through of rapid diagnosis and effective treatment of patients.
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