 A literature revision was realized to evaluate the potencial of DDGS (dried distillers grains with solubles) in diets for nursery pigs. The DDGS are a coproduct from the ethanol production that might be addicioned to suins diet, in order to lower the coasts with food. Were reunied seven articles published in international periodics, that related the effects of DDGS on CMD and GPD. Piglets submiteds to this diet with higher levels of DDGS had worst performance. Significant diferences were found for GPD and CMD for pigs fed with 30% of corn DDGS. Although, a larger inclusion of sorgum DDGS (45%) lead to a lower performance and lower feed efficiency. This variations in the nursery pigs performance might be associated to a variation in the nutritional composition of each DDGS source, soluble amounts added to the wet grain and the time of adaptation of this postweaning pigs to a new kind of alimentation.
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