The objective of this research was to develop a protocol for the disinfection and
in vitro survival of explants from different varieties of
Hancornia speciosa Gomes. Shoot tip containing nodal segments of three varieties of
speciosa, they were collected and transported to the Tissue Culture Laboratory vegetables of Agronomy of the Federal University of Goias - UFG. In this place, the sheets were removed and subjected to aseptic nodal in 70% alcohol for 2 minutes, followed by immersion in sodium Hypochlorite of the Sodium, commercial product bleach KiJóia® concentrations of 1.0%; 1.5% to 2.0% for 5 or 10 minutes. Infection rates were evaluated, oxidation; types of contaminating microorganisms; living shoots; shoots dead; living explants and pair of leaf number. Different varieties have spoken out about the different disinfestation and survival process. It is possible the cultivation
in vitro explants
H. speciosa nodal coming from the field.
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