The present study has the aim to evaluate different parameters of the symbiotic Probisyn Beef Cattle® adding in the diet of confined Angus animals. The experiment was conducted in a feedlot in the state of Oklahoma. The animals were divided into two lots containing 98 animals each. Both lots were fed the same diet and the ration fed to Lot Probisyn® was supplemented with the symbiotic. Since the symbiotic improves the bioavailability of nutrients, there was a reduction in feed intake and dry matter by animals in the consignment Probisyn®. When assessing the quality standards of the carcass, the lot Probisyn® had better features compared to the control group. This improvement represents an award in the cost of the lots. Thus, the lot Probisyn® showed positive characteristics such as decreased feed intake and improves meat quality, factors that interfere with significant market in american livestockÂ
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