The Cerrado is one of the six Brazilian biomes and offers a wide variety of edible fruit species. This article is the result of an outreach program entitled Cagaita and Pequi, Economic and Social Importance of the Population of Sete Lagoas, created in 2014. It aimed to take information and build knowledge in the community about the possibility that the fruits of the Cerrado present, especially pequi and cagaita. He sought to contribute to raising awareness of the preservation of the environment and the inclusion of low-income local people, who can use the fruits as alternative food and generate income, thereby protecting and ensuring the survival of future generations and countless families that use the fruits. Still, he tried to contribute to the training and education of the students of the courses of Food Engineering and Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Biosystems UFSJ. As interventions were used methodology of work in Sete Lagoas and the region, with the support of leaflets, flyers and posters.
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