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Educação e Ensino
Publicado: 2014-03-21

Cyberbulling and otherness at scholl: A study in social representations with students from São José dos Quatro Marcos, Mato Grosso.

Faculdade de Quatro Marcos - FQM/MT
representations Bullying Cyberbullying Otherness Adolescence


This article born from project entitled "The multiple faces of the violence at school" developed by the Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Research in Education and Society (NIPES), from Quatro Marcos College, Mato Grosso. The aim of this research was to approach of social representations of bullying and cyberbullying and discuss, thus, the impasses for the construction of otherness, among adolescents, students from public schools from São José dos Quatro Marcos, Mato Grosso. The empirical material was achieved by realization of interviews with participants between 14 and 17 years old, during the first semester of 2010. The Thematic Content Analysis was the method of data analysis listed for the evaluation of sense nucleus, around which, other ideas gravitated, for the explanation of social representations of bullying, cyberbullying and possible correlations of these with the dealing with the difference, at the scholar ambit. The results showed that the use of the Internet by research subjects and the intergroup relations, at school, are strongly related. The "teasing" and the placement of nicknames, among students, seemed to be the privileged way to deal with the different, who was mocked, in virtual space, for not being well-liked or accepted, within a group. Guided by discredit and disregard to the moral integrity, the teasing had teenager colleagues and teachers as main targets, being this realization justified, for the interviewees, authors of these acts, for being "something natural from adolescence."


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Como Citar

Barbosa, C. H. M. (2014). Cyberbulling and otherness at scholl: A study in social representations with students from São José dos Quatro Marcos, Mato Grosso. Scientific Electronic Archives, 5, 47–52.