The presente study had as finality to evaluate the germination of cedar seeds in vitro in PDA culture media. The experiment was realized on the Vegetable Biotechnology laboratory of FACC – Faculdade de Concórdia/SC. For the procedure, 200g of english potato were used, put on boiling process for 20 minutes in 1L of distilled water, next, the broth of this solution was used. 20g of saccharose ans 12g of agar were added on it, pH adjusted in 5,8, and 8mL distributed on test tubes, totalizing 40 tubes taken to autoclaving process along with tweezers, distilled water and others, immersed for 75 minutes in sodium hypochlorite (2,5% v/v), and after that the inoculation process on the culture media was realized. The feature evaluated on this experimente was the possible germination of cedar seeds in PDA culture media. The cultures were mainteined on growing room with controled temperature of 25 ± 2ºC, under photoperiod of 16 hours, provided by fluorescente lamps Philips TDL (22.3 µmol.m-².s-¹) and relative humidity of 70%. The results demonstrated 80% of seeds germination. Yet, it’s interesting to work with PDA culture media for cedar seeds germination.
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