Pumpkin is one of the ten most produced vegetables in Brazil, with few studies related to the use of different fertilizers in its cultivation. Due to predominance of families formation with small numbers of children and the increasing demand for foods that are easier to prepare, and then reduced size, products with different characteristics have been developed, such as the mini pumpkin. The objective of this work was to evaluate development and productivity of mini pumpkins cultivated as a result of the application of different fertilizers. The experiment was developed in the experimental area of the Fronteira Sul Federal University, Chapecó-SC. Treatments used were Chicken manure (8,000 kg ha
-1), Mushroom humus (12,000 kg ha
-1), Mineral fertilizer (Urea: 90 kg ha
-1, Triple superphosphate: 430 kg ha
-1; Potassium: 125 kg ha-¹), and control (without fertilization). The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with six replicates. Each plot was composed of 4 mini pumpkin plants, spaced 1.0 x 1.0 m, which represented the useful plot. The variables evaluated were: main branch length; number of branches per plant, number of leaves per stem; leaf area; number and weight of fruits per harvest, with multiple harvests. Data were submitted to normality analysis and Cochran's test (homogeneity of variances) and Tukey Test (5%). When there was no homogeneity of variances and normal distribution, data transformations were carried out and again the tests of normality and homogeneity. Data that did not present normal distribution and homogeneity of variances, even after transformation, were analyzed by the Kruskal Wallis test (non-parametric analysis) using the statistical software ASSISTAT®. The results showed that there were no significant differences between treatments for the variables length of branch, leaf area, number of branches, leaves and fruits, for diameter and height of the fruits of the mini pumpkin plants. There is no influence on mini pumpkin plants growth using chicken manure, mushroom humus or mineral fertilization (NPK) as fertilizers. Production of mini pumpkin fruits is greater with use of organic fertilization as chicken manure. Organic fertilization with chicken manure, stands out in terms of productivity and is indicated for the mini pumpkin cultivar as precursor of satisfactory results
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