ÂSão Carlos grass (Axonopus affinis) is recommended for use in industrial areas, residential gardens and country houses, and has tolerance to semi-shaded areas. The experiment was carried out at UNESP, Campus de Ilha Solteira - SP, in the period from 06/28 to 12/14/2014, in a greenhouse (Pad & Fan, mean temp 25°C and average luminosity 2500 lux). The grass was implanted in black plastic containers (8.46 liters), and the experimental design was a 3x4 factorial composed of three substrates: soil, soil + organic matter (1: 1) and soil + organic matter + sand (2:1:1), and three chemical fertilizers: Forth Jardim®, Maxgreen S2® and NPK (10-10-10), and without fertilization. The organic matter showed a beneficial effect on the development of the turfgrass, as well as the use of Forth Jardim®.
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