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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2019-04-01

Minimally processed coconut storage: packaging effect and storage period

Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Samambaia, Escola de Agronomia, Setor de Horticultura
Cocus nucifera L. quality fruits processing coconut chestnut


The demand for minimally processed fruits has grown worldwide due to the practicality and maintenance of the freshness of these foods. In this way, this work was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the storage of coconut minimally processed and stored in different packages. In the laboratory, the processing of the fruits consisted of the subdivision into smaller pieces with the aid of graters of stainless steel. The minimally processed product was stored in polyethylene bags tied at the end and in high density polypropylene containers with a lid. The products were conditioned in a BOD chamber for six days at a temperature of 12ºC and 75% relative humidity and evaluated every two days for soluble solids, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid using three replicates for each treatment. Storage for six days led to an increase in titratable acidity and a reduction in soluble solids contents and in the relationship between the two variables ("ratio"). However, there were no changes in browning, flavor, aroma or odor. The use of the packages maintained the quality of the coconut, and did not present differences between them for the soluble solids contents and titratable acidity, only on the second day presented difference for ascorbic acid contents.


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Como Citar

Leão-Araújo, E. F., Couto, C. A., Morgado, C. M. A., Baccarin, F. J. B., Silva, F. F. C., & Souza, E. R. B. (2019). Minimally processed coconut storage: packaging effect and storage period. Scientific Electronic Archives, 12(2), 1–6.