The mango is a tropical fruit, very popular, featuring a hard seed coat surrounding the seed which the period of viability is very short. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of maturation stage of the embryo and the presence or absence of the coat in the germination of mango, cv. Bourbon. We used a randomized design in a 4x2 factorial scheme totaling eight treatments in four replicates. The first factor examined was the stage of seed maturation (V - green, DV - "instead of" M - Mature and P - past). The second factor, with two levels, was the presence (TC) or absence of the tegument (ST). The experimental plot consisted of 10 seeds, 1 seed per plastic bag. We evaluated 50 days after sowing, germination (%), leaf area (cm2), stem diameter (cm), plant height (cm) and dry weight of shoot and root (g). It was found that no influence of the treatments on seed germination. The coat removal led to an increase in all vegetative characteristics for seeds DV, M and P, V except that the embryos were still in training. For the parameters stem diameter, leaf area and dry weight of roots and shoots no significant difference between treatments PCT, PST, MST and DVST, which were superior to others. Regarding the germination treatments DVST and MST, both with 85%, were statistically superior to others. As for the plant height was no significant difference between treatment means.
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