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Educação e Ensino
Publicado: 2012-11-20

Writing: Grammatical Adequacy and Reasoning

Portuguese Language Tutoring Writing Speech Genre


ABSTRACT: This paper discusses through a quantitative approach different text genres and through a qualitative approach, opinion essays written by students from the Portuguese Language Tutoring Project, with the purpose of engaging the learner so that he can enjoy the production process becoming the agent of his own learning. Given the performance of students, identified through corpus analysis, we found that the writings enabled the tutors to employ new methodological actions for teaching several genres, vocabulary and grammar skills. The analysis resulted in the finding of a greater involvement of the students in the proposed activities and a better linguistic performance at the end of this data collection.

Keywords: Portuguese Language Tutoring, Writing, Speech Genre.


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Como Citar

Mann, K., Moreira, O., Quaini, M., & Dias, M. (2012). Writing: Grammatical Adequacy and Reasoning. Scientific Electronic Archives, 1(1), 26–31.