Trauma is considered the third cause of death, being understood as a disease with endemic character in modern society is not only affecting the field of public health, but also, the socio-political society. According to the Advanced Trauma Life Support - ATLS, in emergencies, the first hour, called the "Golden Hour" (Golden hour), this is the moment in which more deaths occur. However, this is also the time for more if you can avoid them. This study aimed to understand how the pre-hospital care and hospital conducted both by the Fire Department of the west of SC, and by nurses from the emergency department of a regional hospital in the west of Santa Catarina, whereas the reception and customer service in the first hour of trauma ("golden hour") the polytraumatized patients. It is a qualitative, with data collection in the first half of October 2016, through semi structured interviews held with nine Militarized Firemen and four nurses to an emergency room, using as analytical method to Content Analysis of Bardin. In this study, it was observed that within 60 minutes that comprise the golden hour, first medical care which is since the so-called redemption until the reached the hospital, is done quickly and properly in most of the times, ignoring the factors that may delay the answer, as transit, incarceration and away from the occurrence, being the victim transported in a timely manner. This delay in care is often caused by delay of complementary examinations, delay of care by the medical team, deficiency of structure and overcrowding, these factors generate a cascade of delay, which consequently worsen the situation of the patient, increasing morbidity and mortality. You will notice that the golden hour is valuable in that it concerns the maintenance of life and consequences for patients. A quick and effective way can increase the chances of survival of same. It is known that the development of services of APH, whether public or private, culminate with the need for trained and qualified professionals that meet the specific needs of the nursing care during the pre-hospital care, with a view to prevention, protection and recovery to healthIt is of great importance to discuss more about the topic and conduct further studies to develop mechanisms that reduce this time-response thus lowering the risk of sequelae and mortality due to trauma.
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