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Ciências Agrárias
Publicado: 2020-07-01

Control of weed plants with application of herbecides by contact

Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
UFMT / Sinop

G. Wiest

Eng. Agrônomo UFMT / Sinop

V. H. Zanetti

Eng. Agrônomo UFMT
UFMT / Sinop

M. Schoffen

Eng. Agrônomo UFMT/Sinop
Centro Universitário de Formiga / UNIFOR - MG

A. A. Silva

Eng. Agrônomo UFLA 

Mestre Fitotecnia UFLA 

Doutor Fitotecnia UFLA 

Glycine max (L) Merrill herbicide Weeds phytotoxicity


Weeds cause losses between 60 and 80% when not controlled. The objective of this work was to determine the efficiency of contact control technology, using rollers on the application tips with different coating materials. The design used was randomized blocks with four replications, with ten treatments as follows: Witness without control; roll coated with polyethylene sponge applying a syrup with ½; 1 x; 1.5x and 2.0x doses of glyphosate herbicides, with the recommended doses 1500 g kg-1 glyphosate and 400 g L-1 clethodim; roll covered with wool sponge applying a syrup with ½; 1 x; 1.5x and 2.0x doses of glyphosate herbicides, with the recommended doses 1500 g kg-1 glyphosate and 400 g L-1 clethodim; roller coated with synthetic acrylic wool sponge, applying syrup with ½; 1 x; 1.5x and 2.0x doses of glyphosate herbicides, with the recommended doses 1500 g kg-1 glyphosate and 400 g L-1 clethodim and by application with a 20 L hand sprayer. polyethylene sponge, wool roll and synthetic wool roll. The experiment was installed in a commercial area in the area next to the UFMT / Sinop Campus in Sinop - MT. The vegetative evaluations of the R1 crop were performed by determining the plant height, chlorophyll index (chlorophyllG®), leaf area, shoot dry mass and at the end the yield variables. Due to the late weed control there was no difference between treatments on vegetative growth as well as on soybean crop yield. There was no perception of injury to soybean crop with the application of treatments.


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Como Citar

Pereira, C. S., Wiest, G., Zanetti, V. H., Schoffen, M., & Silva, A. A. (2020). Control of weed plants with application of herbecides by contact. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(7), 33–38.