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Education and Teaching
Published: 2022-01-31

Team-based learning as an educational strategy in palliative care in higher education: an experience report

Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso - Câmpus Universitário de Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – Campus Universitário de Sinop
Methodology, Teaching, active learning, palliative care, nursing


The present work aims to describe the experience of applying the Team-based Learning (TBL) teaching strategy in a Nursing Undergraduate Course, in addition to sharing the details of the construction of this methodology and its repercussion in the teaching-learning process on the theme Palliative Care. The article published by Bollela and collaborators in 2014 was used as a theoretical-practical framework for the application of TBL. The results obtained with the use of TBL in the teaching of Palliative Care in Higher Education reinforce that the construction of learning is much more effective when the collective knowledge is added, and thus demonstrates the real value of teamwork. In addition, this strategy allowed students to build their own learning, focused on autonomy, reflection, problematization and teamwork, essential principles for assistance in palliative care of excellence.


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How to Cite

Garcia, P. R. de S., & Oliveira, P. J. M. de . (2022). Team-based learning as an educational strategy in palliative care in higher education: an experience report. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(2).