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Agricultural Science
Published: 2022-10-01

Floristic aspects and quali-quantitative attributes of the vegetation of the Central Square of Vila Permanente neighborhood in Tucuruí - PA.

Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal do Pará
Instituto Federal do Pará
Instituto Federal do Pará
Instituto Federal do Pará
Instituto Federal do Pará
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Diversity, public spaces, urban landscaping


The objective of this work was to carry out a floristic inventory and diagnosis of the quali-quantitative attributes of the vegetation of the Praça Central do Bairro da Vila Permanente, located in the municipality of Tucuruí, state of Pará. The method used was the census type, also called total inventory. During the study, the species and families were identified, as well as the origin, in addition to the main use. It was evaluated the habit of development and branching of the stem, the intervention of pruning, plant health, in addition to the size, carried out through the total height and diameter at breast height. According to the results obtained, 75 species were identified, belonging to 36 families, totaling 380 individuals. The Fabaceae family had the highest number of species, with eight representatives, followed by the Aracaceae and Rubiaceae families, with six and five representatives, respectively. Among the species used to compose the afforestation, there was a predominance of Codieum variegatum (125 individuals), Anacardium occidentale (42 individuals) and Cocos nucifera (19 individuals). Considering the number of individuals surveyed, exotic species represented the absolute majority, with 77.3% of the total. Most of the represented species had a bush-like development habit (58.0%) and sympodial branching (95.0%). As for the pruning of the species, it was observed that most individuals (74.3% of the total) underwent intervention, while the absence of pruning was detected in 25.7% of the individuals. Most individuals had mild phytosanitary type (78.2%), indicating that the pathogenic organism is present in the plant, but did not cause repairable damage, normally performing its environmental and ecological functions. The observed size revealed a predominance of shrubs, with small vegetation, with a predominance of individuals in height from 2.1 to 5 m and diameter at breast height with a diameter of less than 15.1 cm. In general, the inventoried population presented a good diversity, however, there was an unbalanced population distribution of individuals, which reinforces the importance of planning and the need for management intervention, regarding pruning. The species found in the Central Square of Vila Permanente adequately fulfill their environmental and ecological functions, providing a better quality of life for the population.


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How to Cite

Dan Tatagiba, S., dos Santos, P. S. ., Bulhões, A. B. da S. ., Veiga, A. C. S. ., Figueredo, N. D. ., Silva, I. da ., & Sousa, A. C. M. de . (2022). Floristic aspects and quali-quantitative attributes of the vegetation of the Central Square of Vila Permanente neighborhood in Tucuruí - PA. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(10).