Burns are traumas of great importance, not only because of the frequency with which they occur, but, above all, because of their ability to cause sequelae, prolong hospitalization and negatively impact quality of life. Photobiomodulation therapy is a promising treatment to aid in the healing of acute or chronic wounds, stimulating microcirculation, reducing inflammation, edema, pain and bacterial load, with a consequent reduction in costs related to dressings, antibiotics and length of stay. Mapping available evidence regarding photobiomodulation in the healing process of burns: an integrative review. Integrative literature review, described by Whittemore and Knafl. After accessing the databases and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 07 articles were selected, published between 2013 and 2023. From the analysis of the articles, three categories emerged: Increased cell proliferation, organization of collagen fibers, neoangiogenesis and decreased inflammation mediated by photobiomodulation; photobiomodulation in reducing bacterial load in infected burn wounds; and association of therapies in the healing of burns. It is concluded that photobiomodulation offers a non-invasive and promising approach in the treatment of burns, accelerating healing, reducing inflammation and improving the aesthetic appearance. With further research and technological advances, this therapy is expected to become increasingly effective and widely used in the care of burn patients.
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