The 3D bioprinting technique enables the creation of complex and precise structures that replicate the characteristics and functions of natural tissues involving bioengineering and biofabrication. Bioprinting allows the creation of heterogeneous tissues such as skin, bone and cartilage, opening up new possibilities for advanced treatments and disease studies. The present study aimed to carry out a literature review on the applications of 3D bioprinting in the creation of synthetic tissues for drug and toxicity testing. To develop the work, a descriptive methodology was applied, through a literature review through research carried out on the Pubmed, SciELO and Medline platforms, together with the database of articles published between 2010 and 2023. The process of using bioprinting involves the production of "scaffolds”, support structures made of biocompatible materials, which provide an ideal environment for cell growth. This approach not only has medical applications, but also promises innovations in the beauty industry, such as the development of alternative skins for cosmetic testing. Bioprinting also has applications in the pharmaceutical industry, enabling drug testing in functional human tissues, reducing dependence on animal models and improving toxicity prediction. Providing more physiologically relevant answers. Despite advances, there are still limitations in the resolution of bioprinting and the creation of complex structures. Overcoming these obstacles is crucial to the clinical advancement of bioprinting, making it a valuable tool in the medicine of the future.
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