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Agricultural Science
Published: 2024-08-28

Physicochemical aspects of foliar silicate fertilization on lettuce

Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
beneficial element, Lactuca sativa, silicon.


The objective of this work was to investigate the use of different doses of potassium silicate on the physical-chemical aspects and quality of lettuce, growing in a protected environment. For this, lettuce seedlings, Lactuca sativa L., curly variety, cultivar “Vanda”, grew in plastic pots containing 5 dm3 of substrate inside the greenhouse of the Instituto Federal Catarinense, Campus Videira. The plants grew with the substrate kept close to field capacity until the end of the experiment, lasting 45 days after transplantation (DAT) of the seedlings into the pots. Irrigation control was carried out using the gravimetric method (daily weighing of the pots), adding water until the mass of the pot reached the previously determined value, considering the mass of soil and water. The application of Si doses was carried out using a manual sprayer with a capacity of 500 mL and a fan-type nozzle for application. Control plants where Si was not applied were sprayed with distilled water. The simple mineral foliar fertilizer potassium silicate (Flex Silício®) was used in doses: 0 ml/L (Control), 1.5; 3.0; 4.5 and 6.0 ml/L of potassium silicate, applied every 10 DAT of the seedlings to the pots. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design, with four replications, at five dose levels of potassium silicate (0, 1.5; 3.0; 4.5 and 6.0 ml/L). Each experimental unit was composed of a plastic pot containing a plant. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, and the treatments were compared using the Tukey test (5% probability), using the R® software program, version 4.3.2. The evaluations were carried out at the end of the experimental period, at 45 DAT of the seedlings into the pots. During collection, the following variables were analyzed in each treatment: concentrations of chlorophyll a, b, total and carotenoids; the mass of water retained in the plant, the titratable acidity (% citric acid) and the pH. According to the results obtained, it was observed that the supply of Si via leaves did not significantly affect the concentration of chlorophylls a, b, total and carotenoids, as well as the pH values in lettuce leaf tissues. However, it favored greater water retention in the plant, verified by the significant increase in water mass as the doses of potassium silicate increased. The application of potassium silicate also significantly reduced titratable acidity, reducing the content of organic acids in leaf tissues.


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How to Cite

Dan Tatagiba, S., Rigo, H., Sarmento, E. C., Rinaldi, B. J. D., & Gonçalves, A. C. (2024). Physicochemical aspects of foliar silicate fertilization on lettuce. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(5).