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Biological Science
Published: 2012-11-20

Effect of the Isolated Bacteria in the Biocontrol in vitro of Aspergillus sp.

biological control post-harvest mycotoxins peanut


ABSTRACT: It was found in the laboratory the effect of seven bacterial isolates on mycelial growth of Aspergillus sp. in vitro, by the method of "paired cultures". The experimental design was a completely randomized design with eight treatments: T1 - control (saline 0.85%), T2 - BB1 (B. alcalophilus), T3 - BS3 (P. luminescens), T4 - BB4 (B. cereus GC. subgroup B), T5 - BB5 (S. maltophilia), T6 - BB6 (Y. bercovieri), T7 - BS5 (B. cereus GC. subgroup B) and T8 - BS6 (B. cereus GC. subgroup B) and three repetitions each. Was evaluated the diameter of the pathogen mycelial (cm) in the isolates treatments when control has reached the ends of the Petri dish. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance by F test, using the statistical software ESTAT and the differences between means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. It was observed that the bacterial isolates BB1, BB4, BB5, BS5 and BS6 had no effect on pathogen control, matching the witness. Treatment with isolated BS3 showed 7.8 cm in diameter, was considered statistically equal to ineffective treatments and the best treatment. In dealing with isolated BS6 the mycelium of the pathogen had the lowest value, 6.03 cm, which was statistically superior to the others.

Keywords: biological control, post-harvest, mycotoxins, peanut.


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How to Cite

VALIATI, S., FERRARI, E., & SHIOMI, H. (2012). Effect of the Isolated Bacteria in the Biocontrol in vitro of Aspergillus sp. Scientific Electronic Archives, 1(1), 11–15.