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Health Science
Published: 2021-12-31

Effect of combined hormonal contraception versus injectable progesterone on female sexual behavior

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Sexual Behavior, Libido, Contraceptive Agents, Women's Health


Since the introduction of hormonal contraception, there have been few reports on the use of combined oral contraceptives or injectable progesterone on female sexual behavior. Therefore, many women are unaware of the effect of hormonal contraceptives on libido (sexual desire). The objective of this research was to compare the sexual behavior of women using two types of contraceptive methods: Combined oral contraceptives (levornogestrel 0.15mg and ethinyl estradiol 0.03mg) pill consisted of a 21/7 regimenand Progesterone Injection (medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg given 3 months apart), with the control group. This is a randomized controlled clinical trial, phase IV. Sexually active women aged 18 to 35 years participated in the research who used the Hormonal methods of birth control  for at least 6 months and, in the control group, those who did not use any Hormonal methods of birth control. The sample consisted of 10 volunteers from the control group (NUCH), 10 women who use the combined oral contraceptive (COC) pill and 5 volunteers who use progesterone injectable (PI). A semi-structured interview is a method of collecting data. The PI group demonstrated less interference in sexual desire, with 60% of the sample had sexual interest 6 or more times a week . Among women in the NUCH group, who do not use any hormonal method, 50% of the sample had sexual interest 2 to 3 times a week, 40% reported sexual interest only once a week and 90% had sexual satisfaction. The COC group presented decline by 80% in sexual desire in the last 6 months. Sexual arousal during sexual intercourse was present in 100% of women who use IP, 80% of the control group and 90% in group COC. However, this research has shown that group COC have had a decrease in sexual desire in the last 6 months, when compared to NUCH and PI groups; and PI group presented 60% frequency of sexual desire (6 or more time per week), a larger number compared to other groups. Based on this, other clinical trials are necessary to carry out to certify whether this decrease in sexual desire really occurs and why IP users have greater sexual interest.


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How to Cite

Pereira, D. L. ., Franciscon, F. F. ., Possamai, T. R. P. ., Masochini, R. G. ., Marisco, P. da C. ., & Lima Neta, P. P. . (2021). Effect of combined hormonal contraception versus injectable progesterone on female sexual behavior. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(1).