About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Scientific Electronic Archives is an open access scientific publication for contributions in the form of scientific articles or scientific reviews that have significant relevance in different areas of knowledge, in Portuguese and preferably in English.
Peer Review Process
The evaluation policy of the papers follows the peer review model, since the article is submitted to the system are designated 3 ad hoc and recognized competence reviewers, who will evaluate the article in question. Reviewers will be free to correct spelling errors, sentence semantics directly in the article in order to improve understanding of the article content. With the same opinion of two reviewers will be given the rating, which may be "approved" or "disapproved".
Publication Frequency
Scientific Electronic Archives has monthly publications until the end of 2023 and bimonthly publications from 2024 onwards, with editions available until the first business day of the month.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that freely available scientific knowledge to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge.
Fast evaluation and anticipation of publication
Fast evaluation is a condition that Scientific Electronic Archives offers to authors who need agility in the article evaluation and publication process. This incentive consists of prioritizing the evaluation of the article and its immediate inclusion in the current edition, eliminating the need to wait in the publication queue. We ask for close attention to the syntax, cohesion and spelling of the article writing, as well as using the template available in the submissions link. Authors who indicate this need may be charged a processing fee of R$ 150.00 (one hundred and fifty reais).
Costs and Fees
Access to articles for reading: free
Submission and analysis of manuscripts: free
Publication: From 01/02/2025, after analysis and approval of scientific merit by our reviewers, manuscripts may have two outcomes: a) Be added to the publication queue upon payment of the publication fee (R$350.00); b) Obtain exemption from payment of the payment fee (decision of the manuscript reviewers), and proceed to publication.
It is important to note that the editorial team of Scientific Electronic Archives seeks to be aligned with good editorial practices and understands that research with high scientific merit should be published, regardless of the condition of payment of the publication fee.
Only articles submitted in English will be able to be classified as "exempt from payment" of the publication fee.
Journal history
Scientific Electronic Archives is a peer-reviewed journal created by Prof. Dr. Rodolfo C. Araujo Berber in November 2012. Since its inception, the journal has aimed to publish scientific articles in various areas of knowledge, supporting researchers regardless of their financial resources for publications.
With a multi-institutional and multidisciplinary approach, the editorial team has always been composed of researchers of scientific relevance in their areas of knowledge, including internationally renowned names. The journal is currently registered in several search engines and has a significant number of accesses and citations. At the same time, we are continually working to receive more international contributions, as well as to increase the number of views of our articles, which ensure good editorial practice and scientific quality.
We recently received the editorial quality seals from FAO/AGRIS and Miguelim. In this sense, we encourage authors and readers to access the journal's available links, and we are also available to answer questions and help with the article submission process.
Good scientific practices
Scientific Electronic Archives works with measures to identify and prevent the publication of documents where research misconduct has occurred. If a violation of good scientific practices is detected, the authors will be notified and given full defense. During the investigation process, the article is made unavailable to the public until it is proven that there was no violation.
In cases of need for corrections or retractions, Scientific Electronic Archives assumes the responsibility to generate a wide notification through the tools available on the OJS platform.