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Scientific Electronic Archives

Focus and Scope

Scientific Electronic Archives is an open access scientific publication for contributions in the form of scientific articles or scientific reviews that have significant relevance in different areas of knowledge, in Portuguese and preferably in English.


Peer Review Process

The evaluation policy of the papers follows the peer review model, since the article is submitted to the system are designated 3 ad hoc and recognized competence reviewers, who will evaluate the article in question. Reviewers will be free to correct spelling errors, sentence semantics directly in the article in order to improve understanding of the article content. With the same opinion of two reviewers will be given the rating, which may be "approved" or "disapproved".


Publication Frequency

Scientific Electronic Archives has monthly publications until the end of 2023 and bimonthly publications from 2024 onwards, with editions available until the first business day of the month.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that freely available scientific knowledge to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge.


Fast evaluation and anticipation of publication

Fast evaluation is a condition that Scientific Electronic Archives offers to authors who need agility in the article evaluation and publication process. This incentive consists of prioritizing the evaluation of the article and its immediate inclusion in the current edition, eliminating the need to wait in the publication queue. We ask for close attention to the syntax, cohesion and spelling of the article writing, as well as using the template available in the submissions link. Authors who indicate this need may be charged a processing fee of R$ 200.00 (two hundred reais).

Anticipation is only the condition for bringing forward publication without its evaluation being anticipated. Authors who opt for this condition will be charged a fee of R$100.00 (hundred reais)


Costs and Fees

Scientific Electronic Archives is a free journal for readers.
There are no costs for the submission and analysis of articles.


Journal history

Scientific Electronic Archives is a peer-reviewed journal, launched in November 2012, which aims to publish scientific articles in various fields of knowledge. With a multidisciplinary team of researchers and scientifically relevant names, we are working for the growth of the journal's view, currently linked to several international search engines. We invite you to browse our published issues and encourage you to submit your article to Scientific Electronic Archives.


Good scientific practices

Scientific Electronic Archives works with measures to identify and prevent the publication of documents where research misconduct has occurred. If a violation of good scientific practices is detected, the authors will be notified and given full defense. During the investigation process, the article is made unavailable to the public until it is proven that there was no violation.
In cases of need for corrections or retractions, Scientific Electronic Archives assumes the responsibility to generate a wide notification through the tools available on the OJS platform.