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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original, being free from plagiarism and/or copies of elements that infringe the copyright of third parties.
  • I read and agree with the rules for article submission and formatting
  • The article was designed and carried out within good scientific practices, ensuring that there are no conflicts of interest.
  • All authors and co-authors are aware of the submission and agree with the information provided in the body of the manuscript.

Author Guidelines

Scientific Electronic Archives is a journal intended for the publication of unpublished articles, scientific reviews, or notes and technical support actions that have significant relevance in different areas of knowledge, in Portuguese or, preferably, in English. Articles may be prioritized, according to the editorial decision.

Article submission is free, and there are no fees for readers to access the magazine/articles. 

All articles must be sent electronically in a word file (.docx), A4 size format, with pages numbered and centered at the bottom of the page, in single spacing, Arial font and 2 cm margins. To make it easier for authors, we provide templates

For articles containing novel scientific experimentation or reviews LINK TO TEMPLATE

For articles containing support actions or technical notes LINK TO TEMPLATE


Mandatory components present in the manuscript 

For articles containing experimentation: Title, Title, Summary, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords; Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and discussion; Conclusion and References. If the article is in English, it will not be necessary to include the Title, Summary and Keywords in Portuguese.

In the case of articles involving an ethics committee, the topic "Ethical Principles" must be expressed after the topic "Materials and Methods" with the following saying: "This research was submitted to the Ethics Committee (NAME OF THE COMMITTEE) and was approved within ethical principles and current legislation." The supporting document must be inserted at the time of submission as "Supplementary Documents".


For reviews:  Title; Summary; Keywords; Title, Abstract, Keywords, Contextualization and Analysis, Final considerations and References. Reviews in English must not include Title, Abstract and Keywords in Portuguese.


For support actions and technical notes: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Aim and improvement proposal, Diagnosis and initial parameter, Results and discussion, Conclusion, References 


In all article categories, the topic "Acknowledgment(s)" is optional, but when relevant, it must appear before references.

In the body of the text, references must be cited by author and year, as per the example "(Henze, 2010)", "(Henze & Brown, 2010)", "(Henze et al., 2010)", ".. . as stated by Henze et al. (2010)". References must be presented in alphabetical order. We encourage authors to use the reference standard that articles normally have, under the "how to cite" link. We emphasize that the indexed magazines suggest the standard aimed at crossing information on the web.

We ask authors to consider citing Scientific Electronic Archives publications to increase the journal's impact, and consequently, boost their own article.

References must ensure updating and prioritize articles published in journals recognized by the scientific community. Preferably, do not cite works published in events or theses/dissertations. Citations of personal communications or articles in press will not be accepted.

Tables and figures must be self-explanatory, in good visual quality, in Arial, size 9, numbered with Arabic numerals, inserted in the context of the text, with the title below for figures and above for tables. We emphasize that the information provided in the text is not repeated in graphs and figures.

Tables must be editable and must not be "pasted" into the manuscript using other software.

Figures must not have borders.

The scientific nomenclature must be cited according to the criteria established in the International Codes in each area. Units and measurements must follow the International System (SI).

The registration of the article must be carried out completely. The full names and affiliations, without acronyms and abbreviations, of all authors and co-authors must be inserted at the time of submission. We ask that you pay attention to the order of the authors' names, so that there are no future problems.

We suggest including the names of researchers/professors who participate in Stricto sensu postgraduate programs (master's or doctorate) in the body of authors. 

Scientific Electronic Archives adopts the Creative Commons license, reserving the right to make normative, spelling and grammatical changes to the originals, with a view to maintaining the cultured standard of the language, whilst respecting the style of the authors . 

All information inserted in manuscripts and published is the responsibility of the authors.

Questions about the submission can be directed to the editor-in-chief via email

Below are the areas of knowledge in which authors can submit their manuscripts

Agricultural Science

This section is intended for publications of articles in the areas of Agronomy, Forestry Resources and Forestry Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Zootechnics, Fishing Resources and Fishing Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology

Biological Science

This section is intended for publication of articles in the areas of Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Morphology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacology, Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology

Education and Teaching

This section is intended for the publication of articles in the areas of Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle and Higher Education, or in teaching experience

Health Science

This section is intended for publications of articles in the area of Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nutrition, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and System Analysis and Health Services

Mathematical Sciences / Engineering

This section is intended for publication of articles in the area of mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics and informatics, civil engineering, production engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and chemical engineering.


This section is intended for publications of narrative, integrative or systematic reviews of any area of knowledge

Humanities and social sciences

This section is intended for publications of articles in the field of anthropology, history, law, geography, psychology, sociology, philosophy, political science, economics, social work, communication, theater, religion and theology

Support actions and Technical notes

Session aimed at disseminating support extension actions and technical notes, considering the experience produced to improve a demand. All publications are in English.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and is not available for other purposes.