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Agricultural Science
Published: 2020-07-31

Partial resistance of different soybean cultivars to asian rust

Centro Universitário de Formiga, UNIFOR-MG

T. C. Cunha

Engenheiro agrônomo, com ênfase de trabalhos em culturas de cereais.
Phytopathology Glycine max Phakopsora pachyrhizi.


Soybean crop in Brazil is growing rapidly. In recent harvests, grain production has been record, placing the country in the ranking of the second largest producer of soybeans in the world. Despite increase in production, producers face a major challenge against soybean diseases. Among diseases that affect soybean crop is Asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi), which is so aggressive and may cause yield losses of 10 to 90% depending on infestation level. This study aimed at evaluating three soybean cultivars for tolerance and resistance to Asian rust, in order to classify which of them is the most suitable for the region of municipally of Arcos, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The cultivars were monitored throughout the crop cycle, evaluating the presence (or not) of symptoms that characterize the Asian rust. Results allowed verifying that the three cultivars were tolerant to Asian rust. Cultivars AS-3730 iPRO RR² and M-7739 iPRO RR² are more suitable for regions where higher resistance to Asian rust is required. The cultivar SYN-1366c iPRO RR² presented low resistance, but it was highly tolerant to pathogen, since its yield was similar to the other cultivars analyzed.


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How to Cite

Cunha, T. C., Ribeiro, K. D., & Silva, A. A. (2020). Partial resistance of different soybean cultivars to asian rust. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(8), 24–30.